Welcome to the Wasted Word. Your place for all of the words you could not keep at the end of the day.
Here at the Wasted Word, our days start when you go to bed.
All of those ideas that swirl in your head throughout the day have to go somewhere. Most people would like to put words onto a page, into a video or maybe even a painting. Most people do not have that kind of resolve.
Instead, we get the call the moment you go to sleep. We dispatch a team of skilled litter letter experts. These guys are the best. They will find where the words landed throughout the day and make sure they are removed.
Once the place is scrubbed clean, they alert our nightmare team. A small nightmare, even one not remembered, is a great way to clear words. You’re welcome.
From there, the words are brought back to the central hub, where we do everything we can to destroy the words. We burn them. We turn them into sawdust. We even bury the heavy words.
Why do we provide such excellent service?
The clutter of the words will bog down our world and your minds. Far better to wash those troubles away.
So, if words matter to you, make sure to document them. We never leave a Q out of place at the end of the night.