“The key to the summer is snow cones,” Harvey told Jason as they got ready to leave the school for the summer. “I bought a snow cone machine, and I’m going to go down to the beach every day to sell them.”
“That’s an awesome plan,” Jason said, “I wish I weren’t going to the lake with my family. I’d definitely eat them.”
The next day, Harvey was all set for his snow cone summer. Harvey took a cart with his snow cone machine and supplies to the beach. Harvey’s excitement quickly waned. The beach offered very little foot traffic that first day. Harvey waited and waited until Billy from science class finally came by.
“Oh awesome, snow cones,” Billy said, ordering a grape flavor. Billy immediately started eating it, turning his lips and tongue purple. “I visit the beach with my friends daily, so I’ll be back tomorrow.”
Billy was Harvey’s only sale. As the sun began to set, Harvey fumed. What a waste of a summer this would be. Harvey rolled the cart back to his house, returned the machine to the store and didn’t return to the beach again all summer.
Jason raced to catch up to Harvey on the first day of school.
“Hey man, you made my summer!” Jason said, “I decided to start selling snow cones at the lake. The first few days were rough, but then it picked up. I made so much money and got to hang out with people at the lake all day.”
“That was my idea,” Harvey said, dumbfounded.
“I know, man; thanks so much, Jason said. “How’d it go for you?”
Before Harvey could respond, Billy from science class walked up. “Harvey, what happened? I told everyone at the beach about your snow cones, and then you never came back. I spent all summer with people asking me, what happened to your snow cone friend? Where were you?”