Brody maintained that he was following the procedures.
When his partner took a break at the security desk where they watched over a mall, Brody was surprised when someone buzzed the service door.
Brody walked across to the door and opened it.
“Hey, we’re here to pick some items up from Zephyr’s Sporting Goods,” the man said, smiling. He wore a Zepher’s uniform and gave the security guard an employee ID badge named Sparky.
Brody took the ID and looked at his procedure handbook. The handbook said the person should be let in if the ID was in the system. He continued reading the handbook while waiting for the ID to scan. Anyone can take items if they have a transfer form. The ID worked, so he went back to Sparky.
“Do you have a transfer form?” Brody asked, returning the ID. Sparky produced the form, which seemed to include a lot of items: jerseys, hats, baseball equipment and a couple of treadmills.
“I’ll open the dock for you,” Brody said.
“Can you unlock the store for us? I forgot the key,” Sparky said.
Brody checked his procedure notes. As long as a security guard remains present, an employee with a badge can open any store.
Brody escorted Sparky to open the sporting goods store. As soon as he did, six guys rushed off the truck and started pulling items from the store. Brody marveled at their incredible speed and checked items off the list as they ran back and forth. The whole thing took less than five minutes before the truck sped off. Brody realized he forgot to give Sparky a copy of the transfer invoice. That’s annoying, he thought. He was not following the right procedure at all.
His partner returned a few minutes later. “Anything happen while I was gone?”
“Yeah, these employees picked up some items from Zepher’s,” Brody said, handing his partner the form.
“Brody, they robbed us!”
“No, they didn’t! I followed all of the procedures!”