When people ask how they met, Max and Scarlet tell them about a coffee loyalty program. The Pine Street Coffee Company is a relaxed establishment with spacious rooms for working and enjoying coffee. The shop opens early and closes late, with a big cast of regulars. While it follows the model of other coffee...
An Almost Perfect Day
Bob was exactly where he wanted to be, doing exactly what he wanted to be doing with exactly the people he wanted to be doing it with. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was on a boat with his family on his favorite lake. When Bob organized the day, he figured all the annoyances...
The Best Coffee Club
It’s weird for someone who loves coffee to go 11 years between cups. Phil drank the best cup of coffee he had ever had, and he only wanted to have another cup if it bested the previous one. The best cup of coffee originated from a place he went to in college. He loved...
Swim Like a Fish
Celeste’s relief that Riley had a new plan to combat swim meet anxiety was short-lived. Because the anxiety was so bad, Celeste always checked in on Riley before his races. Riley seemed the most relaxed Celeste could remember for the year’s first meet. “My Mom told me that we are the stories we tell...
Snow Cone Summer
"The key to the summer is snow cones," Harvey told Jason as they got ready to leave the school for the summer. "I bought a snow cone machine, and I'm going to go down to the beach every day to sell them."...