The Waiting Game

While most people knew the Heathered Patio restaurant as the place in town with the longest waits, Clark saw it as an opportunity. Clark paid a premium to take over the spot next door. If he could make a restaurant similar to the Heathered Patio, everyone waiting would choose to come to his place.

Clark worked diligently on installing a kitchen and fantastic design elements in his place, the Oak Door. Clark transformed the restaurant to make it a more adventurous experience than his neighbor, the Heathered Patio.

During the opening week, a host of “important food people” visited. They raved about the pork chop and the apple pie bites, and Clark felt emboldened to imagine big things for his place.

In the second week, Clark arrived to find the outdoor seating packed with customers. However, when he looked further, none of them had food or even menus. He walked into his empty restaurant to find Gabe, the waiter for this section, and asked why.

“They’re just waiting to get into the Heathered Patio,” Gabe said.

“Well, that’s not allowed,” Clark said. “We have to get rid of them.”

Clark walked outside. “Hello. If you’re sitting in one of our seats, you have to dine with us. These seats are for paying customers.”

“I thought this was a new waiting area for the Heathered Patio.” a woman at one table said.

“No, but you’re welcome to order from us,” Clark said, holding out a menu.

“What’s your wait time?” the woman asked.

“No wait, we’re just getting started for the evening.”

“No, I came here to tell my work friends I waited three hours this weekend to go to the Heathered Patio. The waiting is the point.”