Louis Sideways runs the rather infamous marketing firm Sideways Marketing. While other firms focus on market research, copying competitors and treating marketing campaigns like they’re going to win an Academy Award, Sideways is all about feel.
Sideways Marketing’s ideas are often so out there that you never know which are good or bad. They’re always sideways. Louis Sideways points out that no one knows what will work, so why stress about it?
One of Louis’s big ideas included a mass sticker campaign, where someone put hundreds of stickers over a billboard. He also created ads that dogs liked, so their owners paid attention.
Chester runs an online magician coaching business and went to Louis Sideways for marketing help. When Sideways asked Chester what he’d done so far, Chester told Louis that he had set up social media accounts and invited all his friends.
“Ah, friends,” Sideways said. “Friends are great. Friends are supportive. They’ll be there for you but won’t grow your business.”
“Why not?” Chester asked.
“Because strangers grow your business,” Sideways said. “And the stranger the stranger, the better. Friends know you as a person. Strangers see you as an opportunity.”
“Where do you find strangers?” Chester asked.
“Everywhere. It’s not hard to find strangers. It’s hard to get them to care. Since what you’re doing is strange—teaching magicians—it’s even harder.”
“So, where do I start?”
“I don’t know, I don’t do research, remember? Ask your friends.”
“But you’re my marketing guy,” Chester said.
“Alright, we’ll create a campaign.” Sideways said. “I have some slogan thoughts.”
“Let’s hear them,” Chester said.
“Okay, since you coach magicians, the slogan should be: Want to make people disappear? Learn how with this stranger named Chester.”
“That’s horrifying,” Chester said.
“Alright, alright,” Sideways said. “Meet Strangers and do magic?”
“No,” Chester said.
“Friends don’t let friends pull rabbits out of their hats. Come meet a stranger.”
“Why do you think these are going to work?”
“I don’t think these are going to work,” Sideways said, “But we have to start somewhere!”
One of these did work.